Disclosure Text Regarding Closed Circuit Camera Recording Systems Inside TRABZONSPOR Facilities
This disclosure text has been prepared by the Trabzonspor Club Association(“Trabzonspor”)in the capacity of data officer to inform you about the procedures and principles regarding the processing of personal data collected through closed circuit recording systems inside Trabzonspor facilities within the scope of Law concerning Protection of Personal Data, Numbered 6698 (“KVKK”).
- Purpose of Processing of Personal Data
Video recordings are taken by security cameras located in all facilities managed by Trabzonspor so as to cover Trabzonspor Club Mehmet Ali Yılmaz Facilities, Trabzonspor Club Administrative Building, 1461 Trabzon Mustafa Gedik Facilities, Trabzonspor Kadir Özcan Youth Development Center, Trabzonspor Club Ziyabey Facilities, Trabzonspor Akyazı Medical Park Stadium, Trabzonspor Şamil Ekinci Museum and Trabzonspor Club İstanbul Management Office. We process your personal data, collected through security cameras, to ensure the legal, technical and commercial safety of the persons concerned and to ensure the security of the building within the framework of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVKK.
- Method and Legal Grounds for Personal Data Collection
Your personal data is processed automatically via closed circuit cameras on the basis of legal grounds, given in Article 5 of the Law, that “data processing is compulsory for the legitimate interests of the data officer,” provided that it “is mandatory for the fulfillment of legal obligation of data officer” and “does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the persons concerned”.
- Parties to whom Personal Data may be Transferred and Purpose of Transfer
Within the framework of the personal data processing conditions set forth in Articles 8 and 9 of the KVKK and for the purposes mentioned above, we may transfer your collected personal data to our service providers, who provide services to us in this field, to judicial authorities or the relevant law enforcement authorities for resolution of legal disputes or as required by relevant legislation.
- Rights of Data Owners within the Scope of KVKK and Application Rules and Procedures
We would like to state that you have the following rights concerning your data that is being processed within the structure of Trabzonspor:
- To learn whether your personal data is processed,
- If your personal data is being processed, to obtain information about this,
- To learn the purpose of processing of your personal data and whether your personal data is used in line with its purpose,
- If any, the third persons, to whom the data is transferred within Turkey or abroad and to learn which data was transferred,
- To request correction of processed personal data if the same is incomplete or incorrect,
- In case of correction, deletion or destruction of your personal data, to request notification of these procedures to third persons, to whom your personal data is transferred,
- To request the deletion or destruction of your processed personal data, in case the reasons, requiring processing of your personal data cease to exist or in case your personal data become outdated,
- To contest a conclusion, which is unfavorable for you, arising as a result of analysis of your personal data exclusively via automatic systems,
- To request remedial of damages in case you suffer any damages due to unlawful processing of your personal data.
You may forward your claims regarding your rights to our Company in writing by completing the application form or through your registered e-mail address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature or e-mail address that you have previously informed us about and registered in our system. Please click here for the application form.
- Data Responsible Identity and Contact Information
This disclosure text has been prepared byTrabzonspor Club Association, incorporated in Turkey, whose information is provided below, in the capacity of “Data Officer” to address the relevant data owners
Commercial Title: Trabzonspor Club Association
Address: Trabzonspor Mehmet Ali Yılmaz Tesisleri A. Suat Özyazıcı Cad. Havalimanı Altı TRABZON
Tel: 0462-325 09 67 (pbx)
Fax: 0462-325 55 15- 0462-325 61 35
KEP Address:trabzonsporkulubudernegi@hs03.kep.tr
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www.trabzonspor.org.tr written and visual content on the website without permission It cannot be published in any other media.
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